CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM

Salesforce has released a new open-source library called CodeTF that enables easy access to state-of-the-art machine-learning models for coding tasks.

CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM
An overview of CodeTF: We develop a comprehensive Transformer-based library to support development and deployment of LLMs for code intelligence. The library contains features to train and serve language models, code utilities to process and manipulate code data, and popular research benchmarks to evaluate model performance.
An overview of CodeTF: We develop a comprehensive Transformer-based library to support development and deployment of LLMs for code intelligence. The library contains features to train and serve language models, code utilities to process and manipulate code data, and popular research benchmarks to evaluate model performance.

A new open-source library called CodeTF enables easy access to state-of-the-art machine learning models for coding tasks. These deep learning models leverage large amounts of open-source code data to improve programming language features. With a unified interface, the library allows for rapid access and development of different models, datasets and tasks. This new solution has the potential to make advanced machine learning models more accessible and useful to developers looking to improve code intelligence.


CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM
Code intelligence plays a key role in transforming modern softwareengineering. Recently, deep learning-based models, especially Transformer-basedlarge language models (LLMs), have demonstrated remarkable potential intackling these tasks by leveraging massive open-source code data andprogramming…

Source Code

GitHub - salesforce/CodeTF: CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM
CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM - GitHub - salesforce/CodeTF: CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM

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