Humans in 4D: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers

Researchers have developed a new approach to track humans over time called 4DHumans. Using a network called HMR 2.0, the new method shows promising results in reconstructing humans' unusual poses through 3D reconstructions.

Humans in 4D: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers
A “transformerized” view of Human Mesh Recovery. We describe HMR 2.0, a fully transformer-based approach for 3D human pose and shape reconstruction from a single image. Besides impressive performance across a wide variety of poses and viewpoints, HMR 2.0 also acts as the backbone of an improved system for jointly reconstructing and tracking Humans in 4D (4DHumans). Here, we see output reconstructions from HMR 2.0 for each 2D detection in the left image.
A “transformerized” view of Human Mesh Recovery. We describe HMR 2.0, a fully transformer-based approach for 3D human pose and shape reconstruction from a single image. Besides impressive performance across a wide variety of poses and viewpoints, HMR 2.0 also acts as the backbone of an improved system for jointly reconstructing and tracking Humans in 4D (4DHumans). Here, we see output reconstructions from HMR 2.0 for each 2D detection in the left image.

Researchers have developed a new approach to track humans over time called 4DHumans. Using a network called HMR 2.0, the new method shows promising results in reconstructing humans' unusual poses through 3D reconstructions. The approach also maintains identities through occlusion events and yields better accuracy in action recognition compared to previous methods. The project code and models are available for further study.


Humans in 4D: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers
We present an approach to reconstruct humans and track them over time. At thecore of our approach, we propose a fully “transformerized” version of a networkfor human mesh recovery. This network, HMR 2.0, advances the state of the artand shows the capability to analyze unusual poses that have in t…

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