DIDACT (​​Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity): LLM for Software Development

Today Google Research announced DIDACT (​​Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity), an LLM for assisting software developers with various steps throughout the lifecycle of software development.

DIDACT (​​Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity): LLM for Software Development
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Today Google Research announced DIDACT (​​Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity), an LLM for assisting software developers with various steps throughout the lifecycle of software development.

DIDACT is a multi-task model trained on development activities that include editing, debugging, repair, and code review.

Google has an integrated set of tools to support internal software development and some of them I miss quite a bit in my day-to-day. That offers a trove of training data for building smart agents to assist with the more monotonous tasks.

An illustration of the intricate web of activities involved in developing software: small actions by the developer, interactions with a code reviewer, and invocations of tools such as compilers.

The novelty of DIDACT is that it uses the process of software development as the source of training data for the model, rather than just the polished end state of that process, the finished code, as we have seen from other models like Github Copilot.

For more info, see their announcement here.

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